Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tour de France and Visit from Steve and Jane

We've had a wonderful week! We all enjoyed watching the Tour de France this year (as always) and Owen is now able to wear the jersey that Colin wore years ago. We also had a wonderful visit from our dear friends, Steve and Jane. We did our best to try and impress them with what Washington has to offer, and also had some fun along the way! Benj took them on a hike up Mt. Ellinor in the southern Cascades. The weather was perfect and you can see some shots from their hike. The snow has been persistent around here with the non-summer we're having - so they weren't able to get to the top because of the snow. People making the summit had crampons and ice axes to make the trip! Even without the summit they still had amazing views.

They also were able to do some kayaking while they were here, right out our back yard. The sound was a bit choppy, but I think they enjoyed seeing things from a different perspective. Jane even said she saw a seal!

To compare, here is a picture of Colin wearing the yellow jersey in summer 2008:

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