It wouldn't be Halloween without a showing of the boys in costume heading out to trick or treat! They had a lot of fun tonight, and even Owen seemed to understand the idea of going to houses to get candy. They made it about an hour and a half, which isn't too bad considering it was pretty chilly outside! We have enough candy to last an entire year!
Not to be outdone by his big brother, Owen celebrates his 2nd birthday today! It seems unreal to me that Colin is 5 and almost unbelievable to me that Owen is 2. Owen has turned into a little boy almost overnight, talking, running, jumping and trying to do everything that Colin does. Owen adores his big brother and is always trying to do be just like him.
We were lucky to have a fun and amazing visitor this weekend. Amy flew in to surprise Colin on his birthday and stayed until today to celebrate with Owen. She spoiled the boys with love and gifts and the boys miss her terribly. Owen even learned how to say her name, which is very cute.
Owen got an enormous teddy bear from his grandma and grandpa Green, you can see the pictures here where it just dwarfs the boys. Owen definitely understands the idea of "his" birthday gifts - he walks around saying "mine!" to the gifts he just received.
Colin is five years old! It's hard to believe he's 5 already. Here you can see him enjoying the fun - presents were opened in seconds, candles were extinguished quickly and cake was eaten with amazing speed. Fitting with the theme of Colin growing up way too fast.
Colin got a wonderful surprise for his birthday - our dear friend Amy from Ohio arrived on his birthday. I took Colin to Seattle and picked her up... except he had no idea she was coming or where we were going. He was stunned when he saw her come out of baggage claim! He is having so much fun with her and I know it was just the best present he's ever gotten to have her here!
The boys recently started school at a daycare/preschool. Here are some shots of them arriving for their first day!
They seem pretty well-adjusted after three weeks. Owen still says "No!" as soon as you turn onto the road the school is on. But since this is his first experience with a group daycare setting I am pleased he's done this well.
The boys also have a great matching set of skeleton PJ's. They glow in the dark! Special thanks to Grandma for the gift!